Sunday, September 10, 2006


Personal log - 10th of September, 2006.

Hallo everyone! How's you guys?!? I hope you're all doing fine.

Anyway, I'm here again writing something new in this so-called journal of mine. Although this post won't be anything about travel, but it sure is "POST WORTHY" in this blog since it happens to talk about something which has happened recently to the most unsung hero of my life - my Mom.

Last September 8th, my Mom finally graduated from her 12-month certificate course in Practical Nursing. Yes, it has been an interesting 12 months for all of us, seeing our mother going back to school and all, studying for exams like the rest of us... hehehe She will now tackle a new thing in her life - reviewing for the Nursing board!

It was really funny looking at things in a different perspective. Seeing my Mom go up that stage and get her "Nurse's pin" and her diploma was something different, especially since I was there sitting beside her as her "escort" during the entire ceremony. I felt a bit sad that Dad wasn't here to see her graduate, but I know, wherever he is at, he saw her and I know he was very proud of her. Besides, had my Dad been alive, I know, my Mom wouldn't have gone to Nursing school in the first place. I was so proud of my Mom! No, not "was", but I AM PROUD of my Mom! Smile She, along with my Dad, has always been my inspiration to strive for the best in whatever endeavor I do. She has always been my IDOL! I think all of my siblings share the same sentiments as well... Smile

There were a few academic and special awards given away during the graduation ceremony and I know my Mom deserved this award: "Best in Clinical Practice" award. I know by heart and I have seen in her dedication in her studies and work in the hospitals (hospital duty) that she knows what she's doing and she really is the hardest working Nursing intern there is! I feel guilty when there are times when I wouldn't drive for her, and she's very tired from working several hours in the hospital wards doing rounds and assisting in hospital procedures. But if I really force the issue, that would sound like sour-graping over the award, which is not something that my Mom has taught us. What is important is that, if ever she does work abroad as a Nurse (which I very much object by the way), she really knows what she is doing!

We celebrated her graduation at SIDELINE RESTAURANT, which was near my sister's workplace. The food was great and most of the important people were there. People who were dear to my Mom's heart. The cousins (from my Mom's side, who live in Cebu) were complete too! We had so much fun during the dinner. We all had a great time with each other, everyone were so sociable! It was as though we haven't seen each other in a very long time. Well, a few weeks apart from each other, we cousins tend to be so happy just to be gathered all over again! hehehe

Almost after the party finished, the older cousins (myself included) decided go start the "BALUT SESSIONS"... A tradition among us cousins which started eversince the time when Tante (aunt) Bhebs and Oom (Uncle) Erik and family came here to Cebu. Although I don't like Balut (duck embryo) myself, since I prefer to eat Penoy (just plain incubated egg), I was just happy munching along. Like I had a choice with the balut. The only balut available near Sideline was that of 14-day old chick embryo. So basically, it was my very first time eating it! hehehe Not really my favorite, and I suggest for first time eaters, please... oh please, eat it with salt! Wink

Anyway, it was a great night. Great food and great company! Best of all, me and the boys were able to bond on the way home. Something I will never forget. It seems that as the years have gone without Dad, we have become closer. Not that having Daddy around we were so distant, but it seems that through events like these when we get together as a family, we feel closer... And if only I can capture that day and keep it as it, I would. I so wish Daddy was there... So now, Mom opens a new chapter in her life, in our lives... And we will all be there to continue rooting for her!!! Congratulations on your graduation, MOm! I love you so much! We love you so much! You deserve it!

The pictures of this event will be posted within next week. It's still in Oom (Uncle) Art's camera... To access the pictures, please go to:

End log.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry that I missed the Balut Sessions again. You suggested salt, don't you think (banana)ketchup will do? Or that would be to bloody. Anyway, gefeliciteerd, finally some Dutch civil servants that came into action. See you in Netherlands soon now. Eat al the balut en penoy you can, we just specialize here in hutspot met klapstuk, wentelteefjes, haagse bluf, griesmeelpudding en maatjesharing.

8:38 PM  

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